Growing up it was extremely hard for me to gain weight. Everyone called me “little”, or “tiny”, or “small” and while some people might like that… I absolutely hated it! I wanted to be like everyone else, and just have a little bit more of a presence.

I was so small, doctors would always question me about eating disorders and it just made me feel really uncomfortable.

To top that off, I was also really pale! So, I kinda just felt invisible. But one thing that always made me feel better was to have a little bit of color.

My mom had a tanning bed in the closet, so I was always into tanning because I felt like it didn’t make me feel as “little” if that’s even a thing 😆!

When I was first introduced to spray-tanning I absolutely fell in love with the science behind it because I was never a fan of the damage that could come from a tanning bed but silly, young Teasha thought…

So when I found a healthy alternative to the sun I just fell completely in love with it. The rest is history… well- kind of ;)

Fast forward to 2020.

I felt lost as a mom and wife and wanted a way to connect with others while providing for my family.

I initially started off just creating this for myself as a need. I knew I was going to like it. I didn’t know I was going to LOVE it, and love the people, and the whole beauty industry. That’s really when The Sun Gun was born! What I initially created for myself, I started sharing with the people I loved and it continued to grow. 

Between coaching and keynote speaking events, I’ve helped hundreds of women create and grow a Spray Tan business and I hope that you are the next one I help! 

"I’m going to die anyway, might as well die tan!”